Reflections of 2018

“Dream into what you want to be…” 

~ Sheree Asdot

As I began 2018, I knew it would be a transformative year. I had spent the previous year doing some deep diving soul work that propelled me to walk away from a career that I had invested most of my adult life into, for a new dream that was scary as hell. I planted my body in women’s circles, grounded myself in meditation and spent time in nature. I worked one-on-one with a therapist and cried buckets of tears. By the end of 2017, I was emerging out from the darkness and looking forward to shining my light into something new.

I didn’t have a long list of goals, per say, just a few big dreams and ideas of what I wanted to embody in 2018. 

  1. Birth my memoir
  2. Build a website and blog 

These were BIG goals and because they felt lofty, I was able to focus on smaller and often subtle ways I could grow into them. I created a vision board, well no, actually it is more like an Intention Board, where posted ways in which I wanted to move through the year. Reminders that inspired me to live intentionally—I began to live a life where the magic of alchemy existed. Out of the creation of this board, came a deeply personal intention, to cultivate purity of heart. 

Over the course of 2018, I saw my big dreams form and take flight. As I focused on the details, they expanded into being. There were times I fought it, had doubts and missteps, but I brought myself back to my intentions and accessed the tools I had gathered in 2017 to ground and find balance. The more permission I gave myself to move forward, be seen, to slow down and to breathe into it, I could see the evolution of these big dreams. That was truly satisfying, but underneath the external manifestation of these goals, I found something even bigger—Me.

The website and blog turned one this month. Over this year I refined my writing skills, I let go of a whole bunch of fear and found my voice. I have connected with a readership, heard from women who have been touched by my words and have been able to fall into a world where I am delighted and inspired each and every day. The book is working its magic and I am in the process of attaining representation by a literary agent. I have begun laying the groundwork for my next book, which I am really excited to nurture in 2019. 

I am filled with gratitude to all who have shared this journey with me. I have been able to push beyond what I thought I knew after gaining insight and confidence. I became more and more willing to take the leap of faith needed to co-create my dreams. I will carry my intentions over the threshold as I begin the year ahead. One thing I know for sure is that I am going in heart first. I will take time to explore how I want to feel in 2019…healthy, happy, and heart-centered. Yes, to all of that and more!

Dream into what you want to be and watch it unfold in beautiful and unexpected ways. Breathe into your big, bold, abundant life. You are limitless!

Here’s to us, as we defy gravity in 2019!

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