Belief is Bigger than the Details

I feel a spark of inspiration, something new to venture into, whether it is a tiny-tiny idea or something more vast and wide, I delight in the wonder of it. I dream about how it feels, what it looks like, what it could become. It is a delicious time. My favorite time, filled with possibilities and magic.

Then, it happens. My mind begins to churn, and I pull down on the strings of inspiration, capturing it. I try to figure out how I can “make it happen,” and slowly its divinity slips away.

There is ebb and flow to inspiration and the process of bringing it into form. It is a beautiful dance of co-creation, what is light and easy. But, being human, sometimes I fall into the details of the how’s, when’s and why’s. These are not light and airy; they are filled with fear and perfectionism. I build roadblock of why it cannot happen. I get sucked into the whirlpool of projection, each action swirls into the next, and the next, and the next, making me dizzy and overwhelmed.

When I notice I have moved from believing it will happen to obsessively thinking about how it will happen, I access my grounding toolbox. For me, it is meditation, walking, yoga, journaling and slowing down. Once I acknowledge my train has run off the track, and I am not relying on my internal compass, I begin to let go of the details I created in my head. Lists of suppose to’s and should do’s fall away.

With surrender comes freedom. I feel energized, no longer bogged down by worry and particulars that may, or may not exist. Instead I put my energy into trusting I will be fully supported in bringing the created idea into fruition. By believing the universe is there to guide me, to place opportunities in my path, I allow the magic to continue. Of course, there will be work to do and challenges may pop up along the way, but if I have faith, I can always return to center.

Trusting and believing in myself, and my journey takes practice. May we all bask in moments of inspiration, dance in the wonderment of what will be, and allow the universe to handle the details.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Jenn Johnson

    Love this!!

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