Being Seen is Part of the Agreement

“It’s part of the agreement. To be seen.” I reminded myself as I pulled into the parking space in the lot. It was November. Random folks were walking and enjoying the fall beauty of Cape Cod. They were in warm fuzzy jackets, sweaters, and long pants. I was not. I was wearing board shorts and a bathing suit top. I saw a couple of walkers approach the boardwalk, so I waited.

“They will be over soon, off the footbridge where they won’t notice me,” I reassured myself. I recognized the familiar internal dialog, It became clear, I was hiding.

I pushed open the car door and got out.

I felt a tug that morning—to jump into the deep autumn sea—to steal one more day. Weeks ago, I wondered how far I could take this, usually my last jump of the season was before Columbus Day. “November?” I teased myself with a smile. “Yes.”

Connecting with nature, listening and hearing the call to play, and answering, “Yes,” is part of my spiritual work. Practicing being seen, is a deeper part of the contract. If I am living authentically in the world, setting my intentions into motion, people will witness. By choosing to jump, to delight in something I love, I am engaging in self-care. People will walk by and wonder. Some may judge. Some might marvel.

But, it doesn’t matter.
Grounding in truth, rooting into who I am, and what I need, is what matters today.

And today, I choose to jump.

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