Winter Solstice – A Return to Light

Full Gemini moon, Cape Cod 2018

Under the dark night of winter, I plant seeds of hope for new beginnings. Seeds of love for a journey to wholeness. Seeds of compassion to embrace humanity. Seeds of healing to reclaim what I have lost or given away. Seeds of forgiveness as I acknowledge the past and hold my thoughts and actions gently. With deep reverence, I hold space for all that is, and say a prayer for transformation. 

During this sacred time of wait, I tend to the garden within. I surrender my ideas and expectations with an open heart. I fall into a state of grace where life becomes still, and rest and rejuvenation occur. I enter the sanctuary and sit in front of the altar. I break bread with the Holy One, the one who resides inside. I hear my interior voice echo from the well of where it has been kept. It rises from its confinement, ringing with crystal clarity in my ears. I lift my arms upward and ask Great Spirit, for the blessing of oneness. 

Each day I nurture my garden and entrust the Great Spirit with the alchemical process I have asked for. As light returns, the seeds begin to grow. The rich soil, which I tend with love and care, becomes warm in the sun. I embrace the possibilities and dance in its illumination as I leave winter behind. My intentions materialize in the miraculous and mundane of ordinary life. They show themselves like a “pop” of color, added to a monotone painted room. A brilliant turquoise, or a vibrant orange, demanding curiosity in familiar surroundings. What is this new gift Great Spirit has given me?

Rest in the deep darkness until light returns. Embrace the sacredness of time and trust in the unfolding that is yet to be…

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