A Life Suspended
A mother and son’s story of autism, extinction bursts and living a resilient life
A Life Suspended
My memoir, A LIFE SUSPENDED, is the story about my son and I’s journey with his high functioning autism diagnosis. As a mom who had struggled with the chaos and confusion of having a child with disabilities, I felt moved to share my story. At my lowest points, I felt ashamed, shunned and alone. This made me feel hopeless and overwhelmed. Over the past years, I have heard countless stories of children and families who have endured this pathway to education. Most of the time, people have asked me about our experience, looking for connection, advice, but mostly understanding. Jack’s story wasn’t unique. Every time I spoke to someone who was in the midst of the process, my heart broke, because I remembered. Although I couldn’t wave a wand and make it better, I felt in a small way by sharing my experience with kindness and compassion, I could give them hope.
In so many ways, living a life suspended, has changed me. Jack may have been suspended from school, but over time we found ourselves suspended in love. There was always someone, somewhere, who stepped up. Many helpful hands guided us and him along this uncharted path. Living a life suspended has not only taught me to trust and to let go, it has shown me where my strength and reserves lie. The lens in which I see the world has become clearer and my capacity for compassion has expanded beyond the boundaries of my heart. Even with the tears, I am profoundly grateful for the experience, as it cracked me wide open. I hope to remain in rarified air, mindful of how far we’ve all come, and excited for what is yet to be.
The memoir, A LIFE SUSPENDED, is currently in the publication process. Sign up on the mailing list for updates. Launch date coming soon! Stay tuned!