Breaker of Chains

(photo by NHD, taken at The Isabella Stewart Gardiner Museum)

Breaker of Chains: A letter of love from Mother Mary

Untie your wrists
Let your sisters wash your delicate hands clean—
Your bruised and bloody wrists
Allow the warm soapy water to cleanse you,
Washing away your markings of struggle
Evidence of your inner knowing, your strength and
Determination to someday break free—

Free from all the negative thoughts and words
Free from the inner turmoil that boils deep inside of you—paralyzing you
Free from the fear that holds you at bay

Come my darling—
Rest your weary body and allow me to wrap you in pink golden light
I am you and you are me
We are part of the same blessed sisterhood
A divine calling has brought you to this path
And you have placed your tired and worn feet onto the Red Road

Take comfort and know that I am with you—we are all with you
You are loved
You are worthy
You are blessed

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